Monday 17 November 2014

Supervision for Practitioners

Supervision - What to look for in a supervisor and why does a practitioner need it?

Supervision is a critical part of any practitioners set up, yet how do we find the right one for you, or me?

You can start by contacting associations that are aligned with the pathway you want to take, for instance, getting a supervisor who does generalist work wouldn't work if you wanted to work in family or couples counselling.

Ask therapists you know in the field in which you work for referrals.

Look online.

Then, interview potential supervisors. Supervision is not counselling, and you will be challenged and stretched professionally, so you want to connect with a person that has a good feel about them - this is gut intuition, but if you feel off, the relationship may falter.

Does your supervisor negotiate a contract of supervision with you? Is it a formal process?

Supervision should be conducted in a formal manner. It's not about being friends with your supervisor.

Does your supervisor motivate, enthuse, support, nurture, guide and instruct you?

Supervision is a process of ongoing insight and self awareness, being challenged and feeling safe in exploring doubts and insecurities.

Does your supervisor make you feel safe?

Supervision is your safe place in which to explore how your work is going, how you manage your practice, your record keeping, professional development and all the fears, doubts and insecurities you might have.

Does your supervisor have professional boundaries?

Your supervisor is not there to be your friend. Their obligation to act as your supervisor has legal ramifications for their own practice.

Supervisors have their own's a chain of support, education and ongoing guidance and professional development.

The right supervisor can be a great benefit to the newly established practitioner...take your time to find the right one for you.